55 Members of Congress Raise Issue with Executive Branch on NOAA’s Pending NARW Rule

Following years of review and committee hearings, 55 members of Congress expressed concern to OMB and OIRA on a proposed NOAA ruling to reduce ocean-going vessel speeds to protect the North Atlantic Right Whale. The members asked for the pending rule to be resubmitted to NOAA for further review to ensure that all proper avenues have been explored and all stakeholder sentiments are considered.

In the letter, the lawmakers make clear that the proposed reduction would seriously undermine proper maritime operations and safety measures while not being the only option to protect the Right Whale. They also underscore that the negative economic impact could be as high as a $550 billion hit to GDP.

A vessel speed restriction to protect the Right Whale is a flawed solution with current and emerging technologies. The letter notes that NOAA should commit to technology reviews and engage with the maritime industry to ensure that all opportunities, including an improperly used workshop period, are explored.

While the lawmakers emphasize their commitment to “preventing vessel strikes and protecting critically endangered mammals like the North Atlantic Right Whale”, they acknowledge the major importance of ensuring that reduction to vessels speeds do not lead to counterintuitive dangers to ocean going vessels.

Read the letter here.

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